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Monday, December 13, 2010

Nice careful you counter-revolutionaries...

Wow! The Committee of Public Safety is amazing. Our republic should not possess any counter-revolutionaries or this committee shall suppress its internal enemies. Girondins are just people who do not understand our nation's current need and situation. I am often confused of how they can bear to live under a forceful and unjust monarch. Radical changes are necessary for the sake of our country. In my opinion, other people with insane minds should also be executed by the national razor. Royalists like Marie Antoinette should not live in the world to interrupt and halt out progress of development. I was delighted when her head became detached to her body. The Paris Commune should be one of the most important administrative system to guide our country through our crisis. The sans-culottes are of the noblest in our country. Their radical thoughts are what I admire the most. I an pleased to see how the Paris Commune came to dominate the political scene of France. Armies are necessary to suppress counter-revolutionaries and to bring naughty cities and districts back under the control of National Convention. In the Vendee, I saw one of the most brutal scene as rebel armies were massively defeated as reflected with this quote "the road to Laval is strewn with corpses. Women, priests, monks, children, all have been put to death. I have spared nobody." I admire Louis Saint-Just adoption of Rousseau's concept of general will that any people who disagree with our changes should all be executed with no class prejudice.


  1. I agree that the Girondists are not as worthy as the more radical group, for I am, in fact, a Mountain. I am also a great supporter of the Committee of Public Safety. Although I am not a powerful member of the committee, I worked hard to make the committee more powerful. However, I oppose the very ruthless actions that Robespierre took as the head of the committee, especially in the Reign of Terror, when he killed multitudes of civilians, some of whom showed barely an inkling of counter-revolution.

    -Georges Jacques Danton

  2. HAHHA, Republic? YOU should be put to your country's filthy "national razor" for being insane. Only a monster wouldn't think that the insane should be hospitalized, but you sir are fool. Thinking of such ideas like a republic are truly the thoughts of a madman. You so passionately believe, a republic should be born with some much blood to both your name and your country? This is no longer considered a country in my mind, but a place filled with the insane. A republic is something that could never happen in our world.

    -Leopold II

  3. Just reading these atrocious lies you spout brings sadness to my heart. Do you honestly believe that any slight opposition should be dealt with death? I am sincerely glad that I escaped to England before lunatics like you came to power. If the Committee of Public Safety is as you truly say, then I would have probably been one of the earliest to go for failing to solve the financial crisis and for being an "insane" counter-revolutionary as you call it. I hope that the "national razer" shaves all the heads of people who share your insane ideas. Perhaps, maybe then the people will be able to see past the disillusionment clouding them.

    -Charles Alexandre de Calonne

  4. My dear Jean, you are gravely mistaken.

    Your statements are ridiculous.

    Due to the recent incident with the king, I'll be sure that my army of Prussians and Austrians crushes your so-called "republic". With my great militaristic powers, I shall wipe your revolution off the face of this world and restore a true monarch to your country.

    Pathetic, calling yourselves a republic. You don't know what you are all getting yourselves into.

    -Charles William Ferdinand
